
Suggested Time

3-4 hours for preparation and engaging with other stakeholders

Level Of Difficulty

M&E Capacity Required

Materials Needed

Brainstorming material

5. Report & Reflect


What changes are most relevant and lessons can be learnt and documented? What are the drivers of the change or lack thereof?

Impact Reflections

The implementation of the project tools, data collection, collation and analysis must result in the use of data for learning and improvement. As indicated on this site, critical learning and reflection must be encouraged to support improved decision-making and adjusting the project with the intended results in mind (i.e. review your Theory of Change). It is suggested to create timelines including the key internal reporting and reflection points as well as other reporting commitments (e.g. donors, stakeholders).

Strong ‘Impact Reflections’ involve staff and partners at all levels and are held regularly.

As for CIVICUS to embed data-driven decision-making and performance discussions based on annual results, we needed to ensure that there was an opportunity for all staff to engage in the analysis process of the data and inform how this information is presented to management, Board and external stakeholders. We thus implemented a new Impact Reflection Process in August/September 2018 which forms the basis of evidencing, analysing and generating learning in relation to our accountability framework and performance story (i.e. our strategy results framework). This bi-annual process (January/February and August/September) allows for objective discussions to be held at various levels of the organisation on what has/has not been achieved, why and how we need to change, and/or strategically course correct. Management reviews the results of each project and M&E colleagues document achievements towards the organisation’s strategic goals.

This links well with the last step of this toolkit (i.e. “Communicate”) as the Impact Reflections help us to identify content and analysis of our results for inclusion in CIVICUS’ annual reporting to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), donors, Board, members etc. Please find more details in the visualised overview below.

What is DevResults?

As of 2018, CIVICUS is storing and analysing its data using DevResults, a web-based M&E and portfolio management system that tracks programme data. This platform houses the majority of the data that CIVICUS collects in one central place, further enabling data-driven decision making and communicating results with staff, Board, members, donors, and external stakeholders. On a quarterly level, all staff capture key indicator data into this global data portal and project teams then incorporate data visualisation in reports, team and donor meetings (see also Step 6 “Communicate” of this toolkit). This joint data storage helps to provide a strong evidence base for the impact reflection sessions to follow. 

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